About Us
What is TULE?
Trade Unions and Labour Environmentalism Study Network (TULE) explores how trade unions can advance working-class environmentalism and tackle today’s ecological challenges through collective action.
We are a network of early-career scholars from across the world. We meet monthly via Zoom and we are currently working on a number of projects such as podcasts, conferences, workshops, and more!
If you are interested in getting involved with TULE, sign up here to get updates. We will contact you with more information about how to join.
TULE’s Four Pillars of Research
Re-orienting trade unionism
Does trade unionism require a profound transformation?
This pillar examines the forms and variations of trade union environmentalism, and what this means for existing identities, ideologies and strategies of trade unions.
Just transition
What is the meaning of Just Transition?
This pillar critiques the contemporary deployment of Just Transition, and the strategies, tactics and policies associated with it, to distinguish between its radical potential and mainstream use today.
Realist Utopianism
What use for the political imagination?
This pillar focuses on the emancipatory opportunities inherent in our imaginations, by reclaiming contested historical memories to frame interpretations of climate politics and trade unionism.
Unions and the Labour Process
How can we organize work differently?
This pillar examines the distinctive challenges that the climate crisis presents to the organization of work, by employing a relational analysis of class power and climate politics at the point of production.
For a more detailed description of our research interests, read TULE’s Founding Document.
Get in Touch!
Have questions or ideas? We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us and join the movement for a greener future today!